Unlikely Hero

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I heard a speaker say once that we should live our lives like each day is our last. I didn’t quite understand that concept at first. Does that mean you can just live day to day with no planning, just fun and games? I don’t think that’s it.

He said to treat the people you love and care about as if this was your last day with them. With all the uncertainties of life, he was emphasizing that we don’t know what will happen in the next day or even the next hour. He was encouraging us not be like the countless number of people all over the world who wish they had just 5 more minutes, or who wish they could just turn back the hands of time for one last encounter with that loved one.

This journey of life is short and unpredictable, filled with challenges and rewards, valleys and mountain top experiences. Let’s take every opportunity to show compassion and kindness to those we love. We should never leave their presence without them knowing that we love them. If we have disagreements with family members, if we have to discipline our kids, if we are betrayed by a coworker, if friends disappoint us…at the end of it all we can still affirm our love, because you never know if it will be our last chance, last encounter, final time. Love big, forgive freely, no regrets.